I was wondering which college in California was the best for marine biology. I'm hoping to attend that field one day since I love science and wildlife under the ocean.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
If you want to be a marine biologist, you'll need a PhD. And frankly, none of the schools that offer a major in marine bio are all that great - it's something you'd specialize in while working on your PhD. You can go into any marine bio PhD program with a biology background, so your best bet is to get into the best school you can and study biology rather than picking a mediocre school just because they have undergrad studies in marine bio. You'll get it all at the PhD level.
Answer 2 :
Check out Scripps Institution of Oceanography. http://sio.ucsd.edu/ I know a few graduates, and they have done quite well.
Answer 3 :
UC Santa Barbara has its own marine biology department
Answer 4 :
honestly if your looking for a good place to go, you should go to University of Hawaii Manoa, to get in is easy but they are ranked high nationally in marine science. If your looking for somethign hands on UH manoa is the place, they have Coconut island and the surrounding region that is accessible only by the students for research. What better place is there to study than an isolated island that is naturally protected for research
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