I am attending a california community college and planning to tranfer to ucla for pre med. I was just wondering, the pre med requirement classes such as a year of biology, a year of chemistry, etc is that the general education classes, or classes taken upper division, and if they are the ge's does taking them at a GE make med schools look differently at the grades? Thanks.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
hi plz visit this link yaar http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/pre-med-topics/489638-taking-pre-med-classes-community-college.html i think it helpful for u
Answer 2 :
Most colleges have a basic system. Courses numbered 100 and 200 are lower division, first and second year stuff. Courses numbered 300 and 400 are upper division. You might get some information from the catalog. It sounds like those are lower division classes. At least they were when I was a UC student. You probably have a transfer adviser at your community college and you should talk to that person. Likewise, UCLA probably has one has well. Make sure you get excellent grades if you want to go to medical school. And have lots of outside activities. That's what the med school will consider for your lower division work. There's a program that will probably be good for you that UCLA has. Check out the link below. It's designed to help students transfer. You do have to be in an honors program.
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