If in California , is it cheaper to live in a dorm, or to have your own apartment for college?
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
It really depends on where you go--both school-wise for dorms and location-wise for apartments. There's no one set price. For me, in Colorado, at my school, it is cheaper for me to rent an apartment than pay for a dorm.
Answer 2 :
Not a california resident, but I know it is cheaper to live in a dorm, that an apartment. Dorms you don't have utilities to pay, most apartments, I don't know about California, you have to pay utilities separately.
Answer 3 :
Think it is cheaper to rent an apartmet. Apartment there is no regulation than the dorm.
Answer 4 :
If you are in LA, SF, or Berkeley -- for the same quality, it's cheaper to live in a dorm because rent there is so expensive. If you are in a smaller town like Davis, probably cheaper to live in an apartment.
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